Tuesday, October 19, 2010


So... I'm going to graduate earlier than I had planned, which means... I'm not sure when I will ever finish my story. Truthfully, I haven't worked on it at all in quite some time. Right now, I'm writing a play. That's all I'm going to say.

Next semester, I'm going to take 7 classes, including Creative Writing (I'm excited). I'm also planning on playing tennis (I will at least try :P heehee) and looking for a job. I'm thinking Barnes and Noble. I love books. They smell wonderful, most of them are filled with beautiful words, and they are always there to provide an escape to foreign lands and other time periods. In the meantime, I will be working on short stories. My mom has encouraged me to write short stories and send them to magazines to see if I can get published. I have a really good story idea brewing! I started writing it last night. Anyway, the remainder of my junior year will consist of work and possibly some fun (I'm not counting on it). As far as writing a book goes, I'm not exactly putting it off, I'm just considering it as a low priority.

That's all for now.